COLORNETWORK is presenting itself to the specialised trade for the first time at area30 and is also delighted to welcome its 40th partner to the company network: Ballerina Küchen.

 Katrin de Louw will be presenting this in Löhne in the area30 tent in her lecture ‘TRENDFILTER 2025: Kitchen!’ her visions of possible designs with this wonderful off-white colour, which was developed by Professor Timo Rieke and Trendscout Alina Schartner, among others.

‘The COLORNETWORK doesn’t just make wonderful colours. Our unique expertise in the interior industry enables us to think colour and material in combination and in shapes,’ Katrin de Louw describes the possibilities and continues: ‘And thanks to AI, we can communicate this wonderfully and thus give retailers and manufacturers impulses and ideas for the future of interior design.’

The lecture TRENDFILTER 2025: Kitchen! will take place on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (22-24 September) at 2 p.m. in the area30 tent in Löhne.